Turn back now its time for me to let go…

[►]  BOO YOU WHORE!  Yeah, that’s my fav quote from Mean Girls, and this new top from Blah totally made me think of it! These tops are adorbs, I suggest picking up one or more.  And check out my “Farrah” hair from Alice Project.  Alice says she likes actual reviews of her stuff, so, I’m going to try my best to review her hair, without bias, even tho she is one of my best frands….can’t do it…just kidding! lol First of all, the Kristina hair is mesh and available in 3 sizes and a plethora of color options, some with tips, some without.  Basically, there’s just a ton of variations with her hair.  And honestly, with no bias at all, I can say that this hair is from my perspective the best I’ve seen in regards to the whole “feathered” look.  It really does fall perfectly around the face and shoulders, flips back where you’d expect it to and falls beautifully in the back.  The texturing is also lovely and very well done, as I mentioned before with so many color options, you’re sure to find one you like to go with just about any outfit you can imagine.  So..all in all, I give Alice an A for Awesome Hair, and ehh A- for her personality. 😉 KIDDING! Ilybb 😀 ♥

Credits after cut…

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