You can’t say we’re satisfied.

[►] Hey guys, me again!  I’m finally getting around to blogging a few things I’ve had waiting for the right outfit!  I picked up these shades from Remarkable Oblivion at The Men’s Department earlier this month and I just think that’s awesome.  I love the lenses, they look so real! I picked up this dress at Overhigh last night, too.  It’s a group gift and the group is free to join, sooo what are you waiting for? This new hair from *Milk* is really adorable, too.  Like I’ve said before, I’m a sucker for ringlet curls.  The bow is included and comes with a texture change HUD.  The Pixicat bag I’m sporting can be grabbed at Kustom 9 and comes in 3 different color packs with several different options.  The red, pictured below, reminding me of The Rolling Stones, so I had to grab it! ❤




– Body –

Skin:  -Glam Affair – Cassiopea – Artic 09
Hair: *Milk* Hair Curly Sue
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Hope~ Ocean Eye (Kustom 9)
Eyelashes: [LeLutka]-SEDUCTRESS
Eyeliner: [ .:SOPHERIAN:. ] Longer Eyeliner Option 1
Hands: Slink

– Worn –

Dress: Overhigh.Gift
Boots: NYU – Garter Boots, Grey
Tights: Izzie’s – Chess
Sunglasses: RO – California – Sequoia (The Men’s Department)
Bracelets: [Atooly] Iggy Spiked Bracelet Red & Black
Necklace: .:CoLL:. Stormborn Necklace – Short
Bag: -Pixicat- LipBag nr.1 (Rose) (Kustom 9)

– Poses –

fri. (Pose Fair 2014)

❥ Bells 

Loving you…Isn’t the right thing to do.

[►]  Everybody is either super excited or couldn’t care less about Valentine’s Day.  I’m not sure which I am, so I thought I’d throw together and outfit that could really represent either feeling.  Of course, I had to blast a lil Fleetwood Mac while doing it!  I’m kinda in love with all the stuff I’m wearing though, so I guess that at least covers the love part.  This new Hart hair from .ploom. is so super cute, especially in its streaked option.  It comes with an adorable arrow accessory.  It kinda look likes cupid tried to hit me with an arrow…and missed. lol I went event hopping, which you can see from the rest of my outfit.  The skin is Essences from TDRF, available in 3 tones, the dress is NYU available in a ton of colors from FaMESHed and these super cute open toes are from fri. at C88 and they also come in every color under the sun lol (event theme pun..there..yeah.) :/ <333






Skin: Essences – Harper *doux* blonde (TDRF)
Hair: .ploom. Hart [streaks] – Ploomage (New)
Hair Accessory: .ploom. Cupids Arrow
Eyes: IKON ‘Sunrise’ Eyes – White
Eyeliner: Action Cosmetics Liners – Elegant Wing
Lashes: *MC* “Falsies” Eyelash – Upper
Nails: je suis…naive v.2 BASIC NAILS
Feet: Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance)


Dress: NYU – Peplum Top, Black (FaMESHed)
Necklace: MG – Necklace – Knotted Shimmer Pearls
Tights: Izzie’s – Tights black
Shoes: fri. – Jet.Heels (Scarlet) (C88)



❥ Bells